Saturday, February 22 (Coldest Night Walks) We pray for people facing housing insecurity. We pray that governments and decision makers work to remove barriers so that all people have access to affordable, safe and adequate housing.
Author: St. Andrew's
Prayer for Friday February 21
Friday, February 21 We pray for peace and an end to the violence in Israel, Palestine, Lebanon and surrounding areas.
Prayer for Saturday February 15
Saturday, February 15 We pray for Hummingbird Ministries, where Indigenous people may encounter Jesus Christ and simultaneously uphold Indigenous Circle practices, and for its director, the Rev. Mary Fontaine.
Prayer for Friday February 14
Friday, February 14 We celebrate the gift of love that Presbyterians are generously sharing in communities across Canada.
Prayer for Thursday February 13
Thursday, February 13 We pray for the Committee on Church Doctrine as they meet this month to discuss how Presbyterians can be faithful to the gospel of Jesus Christ in a changing world.
Prayer for Tuesday February 11
Tuesday, February 11 We pray for the mission projects supported by the Atlantic Mission Society.
Prayer for Monday February 10
Monday, February 10 We pray for the graduates of all our colleges that friendships of honesty, integrity and candour would flourish for the sake of building up the body of Christ.
Prayer for Saturday February 8
Saturday, February 8 We pray for the leadership team of the Centre for Missional Leadership at St. Andrew’s Hall, as they equip local congregations for discerning God’s presence and responding with a ministry of witness, reconciliation and justice.
Prayer for Friday February 7
Friday, February 7 We give thanks for our ecumenical connections through Canadian Council of Churches, World Communion of Reformed Churches and World Council of Churches as members share the good news of Christ in study, ministry and programs.
Prayer for Thursday February 6
Thursday, February 6 We pray and give thanks for the members of the Women’s Missionary Society across Canada as they pray and serve as God leads.