Saturday, June 15 We give thanks for those who faithfully serve our theological schools, the administrators, building superintendents, librarians, faculty and staff who attend to the details of the success of each one of our students.
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
A community of faith in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Saturday, June 15 We give thanks for those who faithfully serve our theological schools, the administrators, building superintendents, librarians, faculty and staff who attend to the details of the success of each one of our students.
Thursday, June 13 We pray for presbyteries of The Presbyterian Church in Canada, that they have a spirit of cooperation and collegiality as they oversee the work of ministers and congregations.
Wednesday, June 12 We pray for the work of The Sharing Ministry, a regional ministry initiative in the Presbytery of the Northwest, and for its minister, the Rev. Mark Chiang.
Saturday, June 8 We pray for the Archives and Records Committee and the Committee on History as they work to support the preservation and awareness of The Presbyterian Church in Canada’s legacy.
Friday, June 7 With PWS&D’s support, farmers and families are learning about sustainability, food security and environmental protection. We pray that future generations steward God’s creation well.
Wednesday, June 5 We give thanks for Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries, recipient of the 2024 Cutting Edge of Mission award, as they equip the Church to support mental health and wellbeing
Tuesday, June 4 We pray for the Committee on Church Doctrine as it works to revise the preambles to the ordination of elders.
Monday, June 3 We pray for church secretaries and custodians and all those who support the worship and mission of the church in ways that are often overlooked
Sunday, June 2 (General Assembly Sunday) On General Assembly Sunday we pray for the 2024 General Assembly, where commissioners seek to discern and make decisions for the work, ministry and mission of our denomination this year and in the coming years.
Saturday, June 1 We give thanks to God for the faithful service of the Rev. Mary Fontaine as she completes her year as the first Indigenous Moderator of The Presbyterian Church in Canada