Thursday, April 11 We pray for ministers who are on inter-mission that they will be blessed by a sabbath time where they can be open to the presence of the Holy One in their lives.
Author: St. Andrew's
Daily prayer for Monday April 8
Monday, April 8 We pray for the Assembly Council as it meets to prepare reports for the upcoming General Assembly, that it will focus on the hopes and possibilities of Christ’s church as we continue in ministry and mission together.
Daily prayer for April 7
Sunday, April 7 We pray for PWS&D partners who are compassionately walking alongside those suffering from tuberculosis, HIV, leprosy and malaria. May their collective journey toward health and prosperity be filled with strength, support and positive outcomes.
Daily prayer for Wednesday April 3
Wednesday, April 3 We pray for the treasurers and bookkeepers who are preparing reports for our governments.
Prayer for Tuesday April 2
Tuesday, April 2 We pray for Knox College students as they complete the 2023/2024 academic year, for clarity and confidence as they write their final papers and prepare for their summer commitments.
Prayer for Monday April 1
Monday, April 1 We pray for the person who will be named as Moderator-Elect for the 2024 General Assembly, that the God of hope will fill them with joy and peace, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit. We also give thanks for Mary Fontaine as she continues to serve as Moderator of the General Assembly in these coming months.
Prayer for March 31 2024
We pray for The Rev. Dr. P.A. (Sandy) McDonald as he retires from 56 years of ministry at St. Andrew’s, Dartmouth. May God continue to support him with His love and His grace.
Prayer for Maundy Thursday
Thursday, March 28 (Maundy Thursday) Give us, O God, a renewed and growing awareness of what it means to live out Christ’s example to love as he loved and to serve as he served.
PCC Daily prayer for Wednesday March 27
Wednesday, March 27 (Transgender day of Visibility, March 31) Approaching Transgender Day of Visibility, we pray that visibility will be accompanied by action; that communities, churches and elected officials will contribute to the safety and well-being of transgender people.
Daily prayer for Saturday March 23
Saturday, March 23 We pray for all students enrolled in the church’s theological colleges as they seek to learn and grow in their faith.