Ladies’ Guild “No Bake Sale”

The Guild November 2023 Fund Raising Project: Once again a No-Bake Sale is being held!  Please put donations in the No Bake Sale box in the lobby or on the offering plate clearly marked “Guild” or send your gift to 216 School Street, Dartmouth, NS B3A 2Y4 making cheques payable to St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Guild or e-transfer to noting in the Message section that it is for the Guild. Thank you for your help.

PCC Prayer for Saturday Nov 4

Saturday, November 4 We pray for Saskatoon Native Circle Ministry, which provides a sense of belonging, care, and inclusion for people of all nations, through activities that uphold Indigenous cultural practices.

PCC Prayer for Tuesday Oct 31

Tuesday, October 31 (Reformation Sunday) Strengthen our hearts, O God; make them eager to serve you and your purposes. Trouble us with the smallness of our vision and awaken us to the greatness of your glory and the breadth of your grace.