PCC Prayer for Saturday Oct 28

Saturday, October 28 We give thanks for the ecumenical connections that we have nationally and internationally through ministries and councils, and pray for the many Presbyterians who serve the church in ecumenical endeavours.

Prayer for Thanksgiving Day

Monday, October 9 (Thanksgiving) We give thanks for family, friends and food and pray for ministries that operate food banks and community pantries, providing food and fellowship for those who don’t have enough of either.

PCC Prayer for Wednesday, Oct 4

Wednesday, October 4 (Sisters in Spirit) We pray for Indigenous girls and women who have faced terrible levels of violence and for the families and friends seeking justice for murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls.

PCC Prayer for Monday, Oct 2

Monday, October 2 We give thanks for the staff and faculty of our theological schools. We pray that God will nurture grace, wisdom and energy in them as they seek to follow God’s leading in times of enormous change and challenge.