Tuesday, December 31 As we prepare to welcome in a new year, let us reflect on the past and pray for a hopeful and peaceful future.
Author: St. Andrew's
Prayer for Monday, December 30
Monday, December 30 We give thanks to God for the generous gifts given to congregations, camps, ministries, Presbyterians Sharing and PWS&D all year, and for the ways these gifts have blessed our communities, country and world.
Prayer for Sunday December 29
Sunday, December 29 We pray for those living in retirement homes who are struggling to find meaning in their everyday lives.
Prayer for Saturday December 28
Saturday, December 28 We pray for those recovering from illness or injury, that they will experience God’s love and healing touch through the love of family and friends.
Prayer for Friday Decembeer 27
Friday, December 27 We pray for military chaplains who bring guidance and support to our troops and their families. May their presence be a constant reminder of God’s presence, especially at those times when people feel estranged from home and family.
Prayer for Christmas Day
Christmas Day Loving God, we thank you for the gift of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ who brings reconciliation. May we know you more clearly and serve you more faithfully as we receive the Christ Child again.
Prayer for Christmas Eve
Tuesday, December 24 (Christmas Eve) We pray that our lives may echo the refrain of the angels, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will to all people.”
Prayer for Monday December 23
Monday, December 23 We give thanks for ministries that demonstrate Christ’s love and compassion by offering nourishment and fellowship through Christmas day dinners
PCC prayer for Friday December 20
Friday, December 20 During the Christmas season, may we recognize the value of “enough” while surrounded by expectations of extravagance and consumerism.
PCC Prayer for Wednesday Dec 18
Wednesday, December 18 (International Migrants Day) For Christ, there was no room in the inn; we pray for ministries like Action Réfugiés Montréal who welcome and provide support to families seeking refuge and shelter