PCC Prayer for August 28

Monday, August 28 We pray for the candidates for ministry and for the guidance counsellors who will spend time engaged in dialogue about calling and discernment during the Guidance Conference.

PCC Prayer for August 24

Thursday, August 24 We pray for persons with disabilities at the Garu Centre in Ghana who, with support from PWS&D, have found a supportive community that provides them with vocational training to become self-sufficient.

PCC Prayer for August 22

Tuesday, August 22 We pray for the Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations Committee as they encourage Presbyterians to acknowledge, understand and appreciate other faith traditions, and to live in good relationship with people who belong to other religions.

PCC Prayer for August 19

Saturday, August 19 On World Humanitarian Day, we pray for PWS&D partners who dedicate their lives to helping those in need in the most difficult circumstances. We pray for wisdom, courage and resources for them to continue their good work.

PCC Prayer for August 18

Friday, August 18 We pray for the members of the Canadian Ecumenical Anti-Racism Network (Canadian Council of Churches), who are supporting church communities working for racial justice across Canada.