Tuesday, October 3 We pray for those who serve partner churches outside of Canada.
Author: St. Andrew's
PCC Prayer for Monday, Oct 2
Monday, October 2 We give thanks for the staff and faculty of our theological schools. We pray that God will nurture grace, wisdom and energy in them as they seek to follow God’s leading in times of enormous change and challenge.
PCC Prayer for Sunday, Oct 1
Sunday, October 1 (World Communion Sunday) We give thanks for the global Christian community and all those who gather around the Lord’s Table on this World Communion Sunday.
PCC prayer for Saturday, Sept 30
Saturday, September 30 (Orange Shirt Day) We honour Survivors of Residential Schools, children who died because of Residential Schools and members of their families. Having rejected the Doctrine of Discovery, we commit to walk in ways that will end anti-Indigenous racism.
PCC Prayer for Friday, Sept 29
Friday, September 29 We pray that the Rev. Mary Fontaine feels a strong sense of God’s care and the church’s support in her role as Moderator of the General Assembly.
PCC Prayer for Thursday Sept 28
Thursday, September 28 We pray for the members and work of the Gender, Sexuality and Inclusion Advisory Committee.
PCC Prayer for Wed Sept. 27
Wednesday, September 27 We pray for presbytery student committees listening for God’s voice with humility, love, tenderness and trust in the continual illumination of the Holy Spirit as they journey with and support candidates for ministry.
PCC Prayer for Tuesday, Sept 26
Tuesday, September 26 We give thanks and pray for the Rev. Yoichi Nakae, Moderator of the Korean Christian Church in Japan (KCCJ), as he concludes his two-year term.
PCC Prayer for Monday, Sept 25
Monday, September 25 We thank God for people who give generously of their time, talent and treasure to enhance the mission and ministries of The Presbyterian Church in Canada.
PCC Prayer for Sunday, Sept 24
Sunday, September 24 On Presbyterians Sharing Sunday, we give thanks for the faithful generosity of congregations across Canada as we share in mission and ministry together through Presbyterians Sharing.