Prayer for February 4

Saturday, February 4 (Black History Month) We pray that all Canadians learn about the struggles and hardship of Black Canadians, who have been largely neglected throughout the history of Canada.

Prayer for February 1

Wednesday, February 1 This Black History Month, we give thanks to God for the many accomplishments and contributions of Black Canadians that have made Canada a multicultural, caring and thriving nation.

Calendar for week of January 29

Sun:       2:00 p.m. Ocean View Service

Tues:     7:00 p.m. Finance/Stewardship Committee

Wed:     7:00 p.m. Outreach Committee on ZOOM

Thurs:   1:00 p.m.  Atlantic Mission Society; 7:00 pm Music Committee

Sun:       9:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 10:30 a.m. Worship,

               Church School &Nursery