Sunday, September 1 We pray for presbyteries as they gather after a summer respite to continue caring for the congregations and ministers within their boundaries. We also pray for their clerks and moderators as they prepare to offer leadership within their courts.
Author: St. Andrew's
PCC prayer for Saturday August 31
Saturday, August 31 (International Day for People of African Descent) Recognizing the violent history of colonization faced by people of African descent, we seek the Spirit’s wisdom to end ongoing anti-Black racism.
PCC prayer for Friday August 30
Friday, August 30 We pray for the Interfaith Committee on Chaplaincy for the Correctional Service of Canada and for our denominational representative, the Rev. Brad Shoemaker, in their work to provide effective spiritual care to offenders in correctional institutions.
PCC prayer for Thursday August 29
Thursday, August 29 We pray for church school teachers and youth workers as they prepare for the year ahead.
PCC prayer for Wednesday August 28
Wednesday, August 28 We pray for the staff of the church’s colleges whose work and creativity support the work of theological study, research and reflection.
PCC prayer for Tuesday August 27
Tuesday, August 27 We pray for the Rev. Dr. Roland DeVries, Principal of The Presbyterian College, Montreal, as he begins a sabbatical this fall.
PCC prayer for Monday August 26
Monday, August 26 We pray for women in India who, with PWS&D’s support, are gaining access to livelihood opportunities and engaging in workshops about gender issues, contributing to a more equitable society.
PCC prayer for Friday August 23
Friday, August 23 We celebrate stewardship committees that help people in congregations across Canada discover the joy of sharing their gifts to participate in God’s mission.
PCC prayer for Thursday August 22
Thursday, August 22 We pray for ministers who are serving, and for interim moderators at vacant congregations. May the Holy Spirit strengthen and guide them in their ministry.
PCC prayer for Tuesday August 20
Tuesday, August 20 We pray for church musicians, ministers and all those who plan and lead worship as they prepare for the fall.